Friday, January 9, 2015

I am...

I am…
A daughter, the eldest of my family, growing up in Springfield, but raised on the sands of Florida and eating crab legs with my mother and grandmother.
Imaginative, spending my childhood searching for fairies in my mother’s garden, searching for mermaids in the lake, and wishing upon a unicorn’s horn.
A Disney girl, watching princesses being rescued by their princes, and wondrous adventures taking place before my eyes.
A linguist, wishing to study Japanese before even reaching middle school, with many failed attempts to learn throughout the years.
Happy and laughing throughout the day, hoping to being a smile to my friends’ face, but always worrying about if they still like me or not.
A flower, delicate and beautiful, dolling myself up on occasion although I still don’t know how to put on makeup.
A witch, imagining Hogwarts since I was small child, knowing Harry Potter before I made any close friends.
I am…
Comic books and anime, watching glorious battles and loving romances flourish before me from another culture.
Video games, learning important lessons about friendship and sacrifice, and living a grander life through the characters.
Friendship, inviting new people into my friendship, wanting to make them feel loved and accepted, but will cut away toxic people for my emotional well-being.

I am...
A minority, expressing love in ways people wish I wouldn’t, finally thinking it alright to be who I am, and will love who I love without guilt.
A warrior, beneath my dresses and flowers is a dragon, ready to fight and struggle for my life against those who dare attack me.
A feminist, caring and empathetic to woman and men who have been hurt, and hoping for a brighter future for women around the world, although equality will never be easy for us; those in power do not wish to see us rise up.
I am…
Scared for what the future holds, and uncertainty creeps into my being, unsure how to step forward.
Hopeful for the future, hoping to press forward in my life and manage it properly.
Stepping forward into my future, slowly and hesitantly, unsure, but knowing that my family will be there for me, always.

Dreaming of a future for me, speaking in a different language, living where I wish, thinking of the days when I would try to catch stardust in the summer.


  1. Your blog title is awesome and perfect. I'm sure you are a wonderful friend to have--funny and supportive and inviting. You are such an interesting mix of magic and language, warrior and fairy, uncertainty and hope. I hope you keep trying to catch that stardust...

  2. the part about the comics and video games are very interesting and i thought that it was cool how your planing to speak different languages.

  3. I LOVE HARRY POTTER! So, same. I also don't know how to apply make up either. I wear it but some people are just really skilled and transform their face and I just don't understand. I always joke about needing to watch make up tutorials but I think that would be incredibly boring. I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts acceptance letter... I hope that comes instead of college letters. I really liked how descriptive you were and your word choice was very nice!
