Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dream Thread

2/6/2015 Journal Entry #42: I dream about boy butts.  But that’s not something a ‘normal’ high school guy would dream of, right?  And it’s not like I can go to anyone about it.  My parents might disown me for being gay, and my friends would certainly abandon me.  But I’m not gay, at least, I don’t think I am.  I’ve never dated or kissed a man, but then again, I’ve never dated or kissed a woman either.  But surely, other guys like me have homoerotic dreams about luscious men’s butts too, right?  It’s a hormone thing, something that can’t be controlled because teenage bodies are weird, with all that puberty happening.  Right? Right.  But I suppose the best thing to do at this moment is to investigate.
  2/21/2015 Journal Entry #43:  Well, I did the thing.  I went and asked some of the guys.  First off:  I wouldn’t recommend doing this.  I asked and was immediately was called out for being gay and now no one will talk to me.  I feel pretty closed off, lonely, but rumors spread like wildfire in high school, and now my parents know.  These were the last people who I wanted to even remotely know about my maybe-homosexual-tendencies.  We had a big talk after they found out, Mom crying, saying it was her fault and she raised me wrong, Dad telling me to not be a fag and to, quite literally, straighten out.  It was a mess.  I ran away for a couple days after that, I took some emergency money and stayed at a motel.  My parents called the cops, and I was quickly returned home.  I’m so scared and I don’t know what to do, no one will help me.  Back home in my house in St. Louis; everything has a gritty, sandy look to it.


  1. This is so realistic it is heartbreaking--to think of someone going through a struggle like this. It makes me so sad to think of all the kids who are made to feel ashamed or afraid for any aspect of who they really are.

  2. I love the reality you bring to this post. I can totally see this being some real guy's journal somewhere, maybe even in our high school. Judgement and labels shouldn't exist because they do things like this, and worse, to people who are just trying to figure out who they are. Great job using the quotes and turning them into something new and different. Everyone should hear this.
